Question 1
Where was the first penitentiary established?Selected Answer: C.
PhiladelphiaAnswers: A.Los AngelesB.ChicagoC.
PhiladelphiaD.New York City -
Question 2
During the mid-20th century, all states used what type of sentencing?Selected Answer: B.
indeterminateAnswers: A.determinateB.
indeterminateC.split sentencingD.mandatory minimum -
Question 3
Which state has no federal prisons of any kind?Selected Answer: A.
UtahAnswers: A.
UtahB.TexasC.CaliforniaD.Georgia -
Question 4
Who was the first director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons?Selected Answer: B.
Sanford BatesAnswers: A.Norman BatesB.
Sanford BatesC.Myrl E. AlexanderD.Fred Sanford -
Question 5
Which is not part of the mission statement of most prisons?Selected Answer: B.
to physically discipline inmates who break the rulesAnswers: A.to prepare offenders for release and transition to the communityB.
to physically discipline inmates who break the rulesC.to protect inmates and staff from harm in the prison environmentD.to protect the public from further criminality, by keeping inmates inside -
Question 6
What is a lifetime incarceration rate?Selected Answer: A.
the chances of going to prison over an entire lifetimeAnswers: A.
the chances of going to prison over an entire lifetimeB.the percentage of U.S. citizens who are in prisonC.a snapshot of those in prison at any given timeD.It is the same as the crime rate. -
Question 7
Which company received the first private contract to house adult offenders?Selected Answer: C.
Corrections Corporation of AmericaAnswers: A.The Geo GroupB.Cornell Correctional CompaniesC.
Corrections Corporation of AmericaD.none of the above -
Question 8
What is another type of correctional system and/or agency in the United States?Selected Answer: D.
all of the aboveAnswers: A.immigration facilitiesB.private prisonsC.military prisonsD.
all of the above -
Question 9
The growth of the federal prison population has resulted from the federal government’s authority to prosecute new crimes that were difficult for local jurisdictions to handle. Which act is a good example of the creation of these new crimes? )Selected Answer: B.
The Volstead ActAnswers: A.The Sentencing Reform ActB.
The Volstead ActC.The Three Penitentiary ActD.The Stamp Act -
Question 10
About how many inmates did state and federal prisons hold in 1967?Selected Answer: C.
less than 300,000Answers: A.100,000B.more than 500,000C.
less than 300,000D.one million -
Question 11
This 1981 Supreme Court decision set forth that housing two inmates in a cell designed for one did not violate the Eighth Amendment’s protection from cruel and unusual punishment.Selected Answer: B.
Rhodes v. ChapmanAnswers: A.Brucino v. CarlsonB.
Rhodes v. ChapmanC.Bell v. WolfishD.Morrissey v. Brewer -
Question 12
What is the primary function of prisons?Selected Answer: A.
to hold convicted felons, usually serving a sentence of a year or moreAnswers: A.
to hold convicted felons, usually serving a sentence of a year or moreB.to hold defendants awaiting trialC.to hold all misdemeanants and felons of all sentence lengthsD.to hold drug offenders -
Question 13
What is the security level of U.S. penitentiaries?Selected Answer: C.
high-securityAnswers: A.low-securityB.minimum-securityC.
high-securityD.medium-security -
Question 14
In what state is the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth located?Selected Answer: C.
KansasAnswers: A.UtahB.MinnesotaC.
KansasD.Missouri -
Question 15
Which institutions feature dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing?Selected Answer: A.
minimum-securityAnswers: A.
minimum-securityB.medium-securityC.high-securityD.low-security -
Question 16
When was the U.S. Department of Justice established?Selected Answer: C.
1870Answers: A.1941B.1776C.
1870D.1967 -
Question 17
Which federal institutions have special missions, such as the detention of pretrial offenders or containment of extremely dangerous inmates?Selected Answer: C.
administrative facilitiesAnswers: A.federal correctional institutionsB.federal prison campsC.
administrative facilitiesD.none of the above -
Question 18
How have most jurisdictions responded to major increases in the prison population over the last two decades?Selected Answer: A.
They have built new prisons.Answers: A.
They have built new prisons.B.They have released more offenders on parole.C.They have stopped incarcerating non-violent drug offenders.D.They have put more inmates in the cells. -
Question 19
About how many hours a day do prison officials keep inmates locked in their cells?Selected Answer: A.
eightAnswers: A.
eightB.24C.twoD.four -
Question 20
Which system of prisons and detention facilities incarcerates inmates sentenced for federal crimes and detains those awaiting a federal trial or sentence?Selected Answer: D.
none of the aboveAnswers: A.private prisonsB.local jailsC.state prisonsD.
none of the above