Passing Grades is a monetary platform for students to earn by sharing their study materials. However, its not entirely limited to students as tutors are also allowed to share study materials that they have created.
The idea behind this platform is easing the learning process by providing ready-made notes, exam reviews and summaries etc.
Here at Passing Grades, you are required to register, if you are not aware of how to go about the registration process, you can check out this link
Once you have registered, you are then supposed to upload your study materials, the process is simple but if you are not conversant with the process, you can check out this link
During the uploading process, you are supposed to set the price at which you will be selling your documents. We do the marketing and once you have uploaded your documents you just have to wait for a student who is in need of the study material to buy.
When your document is purchased, Passing Grades takes a commission of 20% while you scoop the entire remaining 80%.
It’s that simple.
Where you can find study materials, click the link below