Chapter 2. Medication Development, Regulation, and Resources
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1. What is the significance of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906?
Answer: The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 set the standards for quality and requires the proper labeling of medications
2. Why is the separation of drugs into five schedules important?
Answer: Five sched- ules of drugs are important because they establish the levels of abuse and dependence potential, as well as the appropriate medical uses for a medication.
3. What is the role of the FDA in drug regulation?
Answer: The FDA's role is to regulate the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring that basic standards are followed.
4. Although the surgical technologist does not directly administer medica- tions to the patient, why is it important for him or her to have an understand- ing of medications?
Answer: The surgical technologist is the last line of defense in the prevention of medication errors in the sterile field. The more that is known about commonly used medications, the more medications can be verified before being administered to the patient
5. What does the symbol C-IV indicate?
Answer: It is a narcotic with a schedule
6. Using your book, look up the indications and the side effects of the following medication: HEPARIN SODIUM:
Answer: Indications: Is used as anticoagulant therapy in the treatment and prevention of deep vein thrombosis, in a low-dose regimen for pulmonary embolism, in atrial fibrillation with embolization, and for the prevention of clotting in arterial peripheral arterial embolism. Heparin sodium is also used as an anticoagulant in blood transfusion, extracorporeal circulation, dialysis, and procedures, as well as in laboratory blood samples.
Side effects: Hemorrhage, prolonged clotting times, local irritation, and hypersen- sitivity reactions such as chills, fever, and urticaria.
7. Using your book, look up the indications and the side effects of the follow- ing medication: Ancef:
Answer: Indications: Is used in the treatment of bacterial infections, urinary tract infections, Streptococcal infections, and bacterial pneumonia.
Side effects: Allergic reaction to medication, overgrowth of nonsusceptible organ- isms, hives or welts, redness of the skin, and sore mouth or tongue.
8. How does the DEA affect clinical practice?:
Answer: The DEA sets standards for handling the narcotics used in the clinical setting. Facilities must keep careful records of narcotic use, and physicians must obtain a DEA number to dispense narcotics to patients.
9. In reference to label alerts, manufacturers may print warnings on the drug label. If an alert is in the color red on the label of a local anesthetic agent, such as lidocaine, what would that signify to the surgical technologist?:
Answer: This signifies the presence of epinephrine (adrenaline) in the medication. This could be contraindicated for some patients.
10. AHFS Drug information:
Answer: American Hospital Formulary Service
11. What are Controlled substances?
Answer: Medication with the potential to be misused or abused
12. DEA stands for?:
Answer: Drug enforcement Administration
13. Facts and comparisons:
Answer: reference containing prescription and over-the-counter medications with comparison charts and tables
14. FDA stands for?:
Answer: Food and Drug Administration. The agency that is responsible for deter- mining if a food or drug is safe and effective enough to be sold to the public.
15. Generic:
Answer: Nonproprietary or official name of a medication, listed in lowercase letters on the label.
16. The joint commision:
Answer: Organization that evaluates and accredits health care organizations and programs in the United States
17. The term Narcotics entails?:
Answer: Term for controlled substance that depresses the central nervous system for pain control and has the potential to become habit-forming
18. OTC: Term used for over-the-counter medications that does not require a prescription
19. PDR stands for?:
Answer: Physicians Desk Reference
20. Pharmacogenetics/Pharmacogenomics:
Answer: Study of genetic factors in predict- ing a medications action and how it could vary from its intended response
21. Prescription Drugs:
Answer: Medications that require a physicians order before they can be dispensed
22. USP-NF: United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary
23. World Health Organization:
Answer: Specialized agency of the united nations that act as an international authority on public health
24. What federal action sets the standards for quality and requires proper medication labeling for preparations containing morphine?:
Answer: Durham-Humphrey Amendments
25. Drugs that are listed with a C-1 are considered to:
Answer: Have a high abuse potential with no medical use
26. All of the following are on the "do not use" list of abbreviations excepts: U for unit the trailing zero QD for once daily Zero before the decimal point:
Answer: Zero before the decimal point
27. A medications generic name is:
Answer: Never capitalized on the label
28. The identifying number on every prescription that is required by federal law is called:
Answer: National Drug Code
29. What should be done to an otic suspension medication to dilute the particles before it is administered?
Answer: It must be shaken
30. In the phases of the human medication testing, what is the last phase?:
Answer: Evaluation Method
31. In 1995, the CDC issued a report of a study recommending prophylactic medication treatments is known as:
Answer: PEP or post exposure prophylaxis
32. Once a drug has been approved for release, the Pharmaceutical company responsible for the medications development has exclusive rights to market that medication under its trade name for years:
Answer: 20
33. If you see the color red on a label of local anesthetic, what does that mean to you as the surgical tech?:
Answer: It contains epinephrine
34. List two things that make using expired medications dangerous:
Answer: Reduced potency or effectiveness of the drug and the drug becomes chemically changed and provides a lethal effect to the patient.
35. Drugs that are listed with a C-1 are considered to:
Answer: Have a high abuse potential with no medical use
36. The full quantity contained in a medication bottle is its:
Answer: total volume
37. The organization that internationally regulates medications is:
Answer: The World Health Organization
38. True or False: The generic name of a drug is not owned by any one company so it is not capitalized on the medication label.:
Answer: True
39. True or False: The manufacturers name for a medication is called the brand, trade or proprietary name:
Answer: True
40. How should an outdated multiuse vial of local anesthetic be handled?:
Answer: By returning it to the pharmacy
41. What is the role of the drug markers:
Answer: Help target specific diseases